Video Category Best Film Award

Pretty girls travel

Kotaki Manaka(Digital Hollywood University)


  • This live-action film addresses the relationship between "young carers" and their families.
    This film was produced out of Kotaki's sincere desire to bring attention to the existence of children who are forced to give up their dreams of higher education in order to support their families, and to make as many people as possible aware of the problems faced by young carers.

Juries Comment

  • I think there were two main themes, such as the main character rediscovering his own family through the family problems the character encountered at work, and I felt that both were well expressed and wonderfully composed.
    I think the overall light and low-contrast images were very realistic and well-executed to create a sense of realism.

    Yoshiya Yamada(Industrial Light & Magic Senior Digital Artist)

  • I think it was a good idea to use the theme of young carers, a contemporary social issue. Also, there were no technical problems with the filming or editing in telling the story.
    I think the script would be even better if she decides on one thing she wants to convey most and then come up with a story that expresses that emotionally.
    In doing so, I think that if she clearly defines the emotion she wants the audience to feel at the climax and think about the climax that creates that emotion, the work will be more emotionally engaging.

    Yuuki Hara(Producer / Director / Screenwriter)

  • It was a heart-wrenching experience, with everyone having a hard time and everyone doing their best in a film that lasted about 40 minutes.
    As an adult, I watched this film thinking that it is our responsibility to make sure that those who have hope in this entrance ceremony can take the next step forward.

    Hiroshi Asaeda(Mercari Inc.)







Lead Judge

Video Category

Graphic Design Category

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Research/Thesis Category