CGで作ると平面になってしまう所を、何度も折り返した厚み等も細かく作られていて本当に素晴らしい作品でした。小山 桜(株式会社クレンナルー 取締役)
映像部門 ベストアニメーション賞
金森 慧(デジタルハリウッド大学)
小山 桜(株式会社クレンナルー 取締役)
株式会社メルカリ トレーディングカード戦略
著書に『ウェブ仮想社会「セカンドライフ」: ネットビジネスの新大陸』(アスキー)、翻訳書で『WHO YOU ARE』(日経BP社)、『爆速成長マネジメント』(日経BP社)をてがける。
Furikake Products Co., Ltd.
Adobe MAX 2023 キーノート出演。
Adobe CommunityExpert|Adobe Express アンバサダー。
アーティスト/タレントのキャラクター制作、「ONE PIECE」「攻殻機動隊S.A.C」などIPキャラのデフォルメワーク、またゲーム「真型メダロット」では全キャラクターのデザインを担当。
開発本部 デザイナー
デジタルハリウッド大学 1期生。
Walt Disney Animation Studios, アニメーター
2017年にカナダのバンクーバーに渡り、Sony Pictures Imageworksにアニメーターとして所属。
2023年より Walt Disney Animation Studios にてアニメーターとして在職中。 参加作品は『Moana 2』(2024)、『ジェイコブと海の怪物』(2022)、『モンスター・ホテル4』(2022)、『モンスター・ペット』(2021)、『ミッチェル家とマシンの反乱』(2021)、『スパイダーマン:スパイダーバース』(2019)、『モンスター・ホテル3』(2018)など。
株式会社クレンナルー 取締役
「ガイアの夜明け」「ザ・ノンフィクション」をはじめとしたドキュメンタリーのディクレターとして活動する中、2008年に映像制作会社「クレンナルー」設立。NHK worldにて英語の番組制作を行ないながらジャーナリストとしてニュース番組にも出演。現在は日米合同のドキュメンタリー映画を撮影中。
2020年STUDIOHIKE Inc.を設立。
デジタルハリウッド東京本校 週末CGアニメーション専攻 2012年卒業。
デジタルハリウッド大学2011年卒業、デジタルハリウッド大学院2013年修了。G's ACADEMY DEVコース 15期生。
INAMASS株式会社 代表取締役
2006年デジタルハリウッド大学、2期生で入学。DTPを中心としたデザインやマーケティングを学び2010年卒業後「バンダイナムコエンターテインメント」に就職。太鼓の達人やアイドルマスターなど家庭用ゲームソフトのアシスタントプロデューサーを努め、その後株式会社ポケモンとのコラボ作品「ポッ拳」や、VR専用施設「Project i Can VR ZONE」のお台場店立ち上げなど、ゲームに留まらない幅広い事業にも取り組む。
株式会社baton アプリケーション開発部
Freecracy株式会社 代表
これまでに2万5000社の企業と55万人以上の候補者が利用するデータドリブンな採用プラットフォーム『freeC』や、トップ5%の優秀エンジニアのみの開発事業『DX Studio』、先端ATS SaaS『Hire Force』などの開発を150名の社員と推進中。
ジーズアカデミー東京 LABコースを2018年に修了。
最近の仕事に、障害者が遠隔操作ロボットで働く「分身ロボットカフェDAWN」(オリィ研究所)、ブラックホール理論が導く遠い未来をデザインしたサイエンスアート作品「Black Hole Recorder」(理化学研究所)、日本科学未来館「Mirai can_!」など。 D&AD、Cannes Lions、ACCグランプリ、グッドデザイン賞、文化庁メディア芸術祭など受賞歴多数。
半導体・デジタル研究教育機構 准教授
米国大学院在学中に、2年間、台湾樹徳科技大学の専任講師。博士課程修了後、米国同大学院非常勤講師、NPO環境教育団体Marine Resources Council of East Floridaの教育テクノロジコーディネータ。
2005年に帰国後、青山学院大学総合研究所客員研究員、大手前大学現代社会学部准教授などを経て現職。2018年3月デジタルハリウッド大学院にてデジタルコンテンツマネジメント修士を取得。2021年〜2022年、米国ミシガン大学アカデミックイノベーションセンター ・客員研究員。
学校法人ソニー学園 湘北短期大学
総合ビジネス・情報学科 准教授
2010年、ドラマ『クローン ベイビー』(TBS)にて俳優デビュー後、ドラマ、映画、舞台で幅広く活動中。
2024年は1月期ドラマ『夫を社会的に抹消する5つの方法 Season2』(TX)に出演したほか、4月放送予定のドラマ『RoOT/ルート』(TX)に出演予定。
毎週11:30~16:00生放送中のJ-WAVE『ALL GOOD FRIDAY』のナビゲーターを務める。
Mercari Inc. Trading card business strategy
Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University and completed graduate studies at Digital Hollywood University Graduate School(2006). In 2005 Asaeda founded a beauty salon, also managing a virtual space avatar business and a music startup company. After selling his business, he worked at a startup studio in Silicon Valley, Mirative Inc. as the Sales Promotion Manager, and has been with Mercari Inc. since 2021. Currently in charge of trading card business strategy. He grew up in the United States and is bilingual.
He is the author of Japanese title "Web Virtual Society 'Second Life': New Continent of Internet Business"(ASCII) and translator of both "Who You Are" (Nikkei Business Publications.) and "Explosive Growth Management" (Nikkei Business Publications).
Furikake Products Co., Ltd.
Character Designer / Illustrator
Character Designer / Illustrator.
Appear on the Adobe MAX 2023 Keynote.
Adobe CommunityExpert|Ambassador of Adobe Express.
He is good at drawing characters with a unique world view and illustrations that specialize in cuteness.
Graduated from Digital Hollywood Osaka School. Became independent after working at Polygon Pictures Inc.
He is in charge of creating characters for artists/talents, deformation work for IP characters such as "ONE PIECE" and "Ghost in the Shell S.A.C", and also he is in charge of all character designs for the game "True Type Medarot".
GREE, Inc.
Designer, Development Division
Student of the Digital Hollywood University inaugural class. While studying, Yagi took part in OJT pieces including the official site of the original video animation "Tokyo Marble Chocolate" and the TV drama "Delicious Gakuin".
After graduating from university in 2009, Yagi worked as a DTP designer and UI/UX designer before becoming the art director of the social game "Tanken Driland". Currently, she is in charge of designing and directing.
Walt Disney Animation Studios, Animator
After graduating from Digital Hollywood University in 2012, he started his career at OLM Digital.
He moved to Vancouver, Canada in 2017 and joined Sony Pictures Imageworks as an animator.
He has been working as an animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios since 2023.
Participating works include "Moana 2" (2024), "Jacob and the Sea Monster" (2022), "Monster Hotel 4" (2022), "Monster Pet" (2021), "The Mitchell Family and the Machine Rebellion" ( 2021), "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" (2019), "Monster Hotel 3" (2018), etc.
Crenaloo Inc. Director
After graduating from Kobe College, Sakura completed graduate study at Digital Hollywood University in 2006.
In 2008, she established Crenloo, Inc, a video and film production company and produced and directed documentary programs, such as "Dawn of Gaia" and "Non-fiction".
She is now producing programs in English for NHK World as well as appearing on screen as a reporting journalist. Currently she is in pre-production on an international film project with an American production company.
STUDIOHIKE Inc. Representative Director
Graduated from Maya course in 2000 and Masters class in 2001 at Digital Hollywood.
He has been with Studio Ghibli since 2004 and has participated in all theatrical productions since "Howl's Moving Castle". He has also been involved in CG direction for all works since "The Borrower Arrietty". Since 2014, he has been in charge of CG direction mainly for theatrical animation works as a freelancer, and once again worked as CG direction for a Ghibli work with "How Do You Live?"He founded STUDIOHIKE Inc. in 2020.
XR Artist
After graduating from Tama Art University's Department of Graphic Design, he gained experience as a graphic designer and is currently working as an XR artist. In addition to the VR play "Typeman," his works have been screened at several notable events, including the Venice International Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, and SIGGRAPH, the world's largest CG festival. In the XR section of the Venice International Film Festival, since 2019, VR animation works directed by him have been screened for five consecutive years and nominated for four consecutive years. Graduated from Digital Hollywood Tokyo, majoring in CG animation in 2012.
Dentsu Inc. / Art Director
Graduated from Digital Hollywood University in 2011 and completed Digital Hollywood Graduate School in 2013. And G's ACADEMY DEV course 15th generation.
Currently working at Dentsu Inc., working on overall promotions with a focus on creativity, and working to expand areas to create new value.
Received awards both domestically and internationally, including IPRA Winners, PR Award Asia, ACC TOKYO CREATIVITY AWARDS, THE ONE SHOW GOLD, and Good Design Award.
Entered Digital Hollywood University in 2006 as a second-year student and studied design and marketing with a focus on DTP, After graduating in 2010, she started working at Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.
She worked as an assistant producer for home video game software such as "Taiko no Tatsujin" and "THE IDOLM@STER".
After that, she worked on a wide range of projects beyond games, such as the collaboration work "Pokkén" with The Pokémon Company and the launch of the Odaiba store of the VR-only facility "Project i Can VR ZONE".
She and her sister started a business in 2021, and they are currently focusing on planning, content production, and management.
They are currently rolling out their own services such as school management services for designers, voice actors, and Fortune-telling character content "The Fate Voice(運命ボイス)".
BATON Inc. Application development department
After graduating from Digital Hollywood University in 2015, joined Baton Inc. which operates QuizKnock.
Experienced as the lead engineer for the quiz social game "CHI-KNOW CRISIS" with a quiz theme. After that, he was involved in the development of the web media "QuizKnock".
Next, he wanted to create a game again, and turned the popular content "GENKAI SHIRITORI" from the YouTube channel "QuizKnock" into a smartphone game and released it as "GENKAI SHIRITORI Mobile", which achieved 1 million downloads.Another game he developed, "Minesweeper on a map of Japan" also won first place in the AppStore puzzle category.
freecracy co., ltd. CEO
Graduated from Oklahoma State University in the United States and received the United States Certified Public Accountant qualification. Participated in IT system implementation projects including ERP and Scratch at ABeam Consulting, which has over 4,000 consultants around the world. After moving to Lotte Holdings' Overseas Division, he led various M&A and ERP system implementation projects in Europe and Southeast Asia.
Currently running freecracy, his second startup after becoming independent.
To date, he has created "freeC", a data-driven recruitment platform used by 25,000 companies and over 550,000 candidates, "DX Studio", a development business for only the top 5% of talented engineers, and "Hire Force", a cutting-edge ATS SaaS service, and other products are currently being developed with 150 employees.
Completed G's Academy Tokyo LAB course in 2018.
ADK Marketing Solutions
Creative Director / Creative Technologist
Graduated from Digital Hollywood University. Armed with expertise in the digital and technology fields, he specializes in future-oriented creative development, innovation design, and science fiction prototyping. The medalist of JAAA Creator of the Year 2020.
Recent works include "Avatar Robot Cafe DAWN" (Ory Institute) where people with disabilities work with remote-controlled robots, "Black Hole Recorder" (RIKEN), a science art work designed to depict the distant future guided by black hole theory. "Mirai can_!", that the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, etc. He has won numerous awards including D&AD, Cannes Lions, ACC Grand Prix, Good Design Award, and the Japan Media Arts Festival.
Kumamoto Univ. Semiconductor and Digital Research and Education Institute Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning Systems, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Center for the Study of Teaching and Learning Systems, Kumamoto University.
After completing the graduate school (English education) at Tokyo Gakugei University, Goda completed the master's and Doctoral programs at the Graduate School of Science and Education, Florida Institute of Technology, USA with a Fulbright Scholarship. She obtained a Ph.D. (Science Education).
While in graduate school in the U.S., Goda was a full-time lecturer at Shude University of Science and Technology in Taiwan for two years. After completing her doctorate, she became an adjunct instructor at the University of Florida's Graduate School of Education in the U.S. and an educational technology coordinator for the Marine Resources Council of East Florida, a non-profit environmental education organization.
Returning to Japan in 2005, Goda worked as a Visiting Researcher at the Aoyama Gakuin University Research Institute and as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Society, Otemae University before assuming her current position. Goda completed a master's degree in Digital Content Management from Digital Hollywood University Graduate School In March 2018. From 2021 to 2022, she worked as a Visiting Scholar at the Academic Innovation Center, University of Michigan, USA.
Sony Institute of Higher Education Shohoku College Dept. of Business & Informatics Associate Professor
Completed doctoral course in Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University. Doctorate (Engineering).
Takagi is Associate Professor at the Department of Business and Information Media, Shohoku Junior College, Sony Corporation, teaching courses such as "CG Theory","Web Basics", and "Game Design".
While supporting students in her teaching role, she also attended the Digital Hollywood University Graduate School, completing studies in Digital Contents in 2015.
Takagi is currently searching for effective educational methods for content creation.
She participates in Tokyo Game Show, Game Market and GlobalGameJam with her students every year.
Born January 12, 1993, from Kanagawa Prefecture.
After debuting as an actor in the drama "Clone Baby" (TBS) in 2010, he has appeared in dramas, movies, and stages.
Active in a wide range of activities.
In 2023,he appeared in Drama "This hospital is like a birdcage" (NTV), "Wash my heart! 2" (TX), movie "Yossu Omatase ja matane(よっす、おまたせ、じゃあまたね。)", "#Mitoyamane", musical drama "Asakusa Kid", etc.
In 2024,he appeared in "Otto wo Shakaiteki ni Massatsu suru 5-tsu no Hoho Season2(夫を社会的に抹消する5つの方法 Season2)",and he will appear in a drama scheduled to air in April,"RoOT".
He is scheduled to appear in the musical "Le miracle de Montparnasse" in June, and the stage "Asahi no youna yuhi wo tsurete2024(朝日のような夕日をつれて2024)" in August.
He serves as the navigator for J-WAVE's "ALL GOOD FRIDAY", which is broadcast live every week from 11:30 to 16:00.
3rd year student at Digital Hollywood University.
She belonged to the broadcast club for 6 years from middle school to high school.
After experiencing announcements and document production, She became interested in video production.
She was attracted to Digital Hollywood University's school motto, "Entertainment. It’s everything." and decided to enroll.
Currently studying mainly video editing in order to become a video creator in the future.